The Basic Facts About Breast Implants
Decades ago, breast augmentation and cosmetic surgery in general, were things that only the rich and famous had the luxury to experience. Today, the cost of cosmetic surgical procedures are relatively more affordable. In addition, there are even various payment options that allow the industry to branch out to the middle class. Breast enlargement in New York (NYC) alone has drawn thousands of patients year after year, regardless of their social background. As a matter of fact, the procedure has become so commonly performed that some patients no longer bother to find out important information about the procedure such as the facts about breast implants. This article provides some facts about breast implants that can help any woman make an educated decision regarding her breast enlargement procedure. Definition: A breast implant is a prosthesis made of silicone that is filled with either saline or silicone gel. Their main purpose is usually aesthetic: enlarging the breasts in cosm...