

Cataract is the most common cause of vision impairment and blindness in the world. Cataract may originate in various different locations in the lens. Its onset may be in the middle of the lens, on the side or in other positions. Cataract usually starts out in the middle of the lens, in which case it is referred to as nuclear cataract. Cataracts cause the lenses of the eye to become cloudy. Cataract surgery restores vision in eyes that have been affected by cataracts. Symptoms of Cataract: Commonly the symptoms of cataract are double vision, sensitivity to light, the need for more light when reading, diminished night vision, changed prescription power for glasses, dimming and fading of colors Causes of Cataract: The causes of Cataracts include: Alcoholism or heavy alcohol ingestion. Diabetes. Exposure to radiation. Increasing age (over 40 years). Injury to the eye. Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from sunlight. Smoking. Diabetes. Deficiency of vitamin...

High blood cholesterol

Cholesterol is the yellowish fatty substance which is essential ingredient of the life. Though it is essential to life, it plays a bad role by causing heart diseases.  Every person who have high blood cholesterol is treated as a potential candidate for heart diseases. The majority of the Cholesterol  is formed in the liver but 20% usually comes from the food we intake. Causes of High Blood Cholesterol: High Blood cholesterol is mostly a hereditary problem. It also abused due to unnecessary consumption of junk food and extreme consumption of milk, Ghee, butter, ice-creams, cheese etc., and also by the non-vegetarian food like meat, fish, eggs etc., Smoking and drinking alcohol is also one of the cause of increase in cholesterol. Strain and over anxiety in the daily life may also leads to high blood cholesterol. Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol: Taking atleast 10 glasses of water every day stimulates the excretory activity of kidneys and it keeps the high bl...

Common Cold

A common cold is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is caused due to infection with common cold viruses. Common cold occurs more often than any other disease. A cold usually lasts from three to ten days. First 3 days the patient feels miserable. This is the most common problem among school going children. It mostly affects the nose but sometimes ears. Bronchial tubes and sinuses are also affected. Causes of common cold: The most common cause of cold is exposure to virus. Exposure to cold Low vitality Lack of sleep Mental depression Sudden change in temperature Dust and other irritating inhalation Home Remedies for common cold: Dilute one lemon in a glass of warm water and add some honey to it. Take this daily twice its gives you relief from common cold Garlic contains antibiotic properties. Cut garlic in to small pieces and them with a cup of water and drink. This is the best home remedy for common cold Cut ginger in to small pieces and boil it in a...

Best Flax And Seeds For Constipation (Seesam Seeds, Fenugreek Powder, Amla Powder, Raisin, Beans, PopCorn)

 Include Flax to the diet The best & simple home remedy available for constipation is Flaxseed oil, since it covers the walls of intestine along with the stool thereby increasing the bowel movements. Enjoying flax seed oil with orange juice has better results since orange juice with pulp is known for the bulk amount of fiber in them. 1 Glass orange juice with pulp Mix the flaxseed oil with 1 glass of orange juice & drink as per the requirement however it is best to give a time of 5 hours before it works.     roasted-sesame-seeds-500x5002. Say yes to Sesame seeds Sesame seeds contain insoluble fiber & also add magnitude at the same time they tend to soften the contents in intestine making it easy to pass off. 1/2 ounce on daily basis is the recommended dosage for Sesame seeds to be accompanied with lots of water. If not take directly, sesame seeds can also be used as dressing on salads or other food.             ...

Vitamin E Oil for Acne and Scars

When applied topically vitamin E oil is one of the quickest home remedies for acne scars. As with any home remedy for acne scars it can take up to three months of nightly treatment to get the full scar fading effects. You will start to see results from faded scarring in just a week. Vitamin E oil fights acne causing bacteria because it is an antioxidant. It is also a natural moisturizer that does not clog pores. Vitamin E oil can also be used to dilute essential oils for acne. Using vitamin E oil to dilute an essential oil like tea tree oil is a combination that can be used to treat moderate to severe acne. The combination works well for all skin types because the moisturizing effects of vitamin E oil keep the skin from drying out while the astringent properties of tea tree oil help with the overproduction of oil. Taking anything that is high in antioxidants is good or acne prone skin. Vitamin E is no exception. When taken orally it boosts the immune system and works well on acn...

The Best Way to Lose Fat Belly

Among the list of the most difficult parts within our body to lose fat is the stomach. You could be capable of improving easily the other parts of your body by doing proper exercises and a diet plan. However the excess fat around the stomach is usually difficult to manage. You can find ideas that enable you to lose fat belly and make sure that your entire body will be worked out and in good shape. Therefore if you want to lose fat belly, listed below are some points that you will be likely to bear in mind as well as utilize for your own benefit. How to accomplish it Prior to getting started with your workouts, you should be aware of the kinds of foods that would most likely hinder you to lose fat belly. If you want to lose fat belly, you need to make certain that you will be reducing your intake of all kinds of sweets like sugar out of your diet. Once you indulge into high sugar content foods, the majority of these will accumulate and end up right on your belly. You practice...

The Truth About Abs Review

The Process of Getting back what You Used to Have. When I was in my teen years I used to have a flat sexy tummy. I was never worried about my body and never thought that I will be having problems with my figure as I age. I started gaining and a bulk formed in my abdominal area. That was the start of my dilemma. I can’t wear my jeans; I can’t wear my skin tight tops as well as my belts! So that’s when the denial stage ended and I accepted the fact that I needed help to get back my body and self confidence again. Then I saw, the #1 Rated Abs Program on the internet, the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world, the site that has over 276,000 readers in 163 countries to date. That day the TruthAboutAbs website gained its number 276,001 reader. And I am going to write a review about this awesome site and how the Truth About Six Pack Abs program helped me become the person that I am today, happier and sexier. Discover Surprising Fat Burning Foods Yes, at first ...