High blood cholesterol

Cholesterol is the yellowish fatty substance which is essential ingredient of the life. Though it is essential to life, it plays a bad role by causing heart diseases.  Every person who have high blood cholesterol is treated as a potential candidate for heart diseases. The majority of the Cholesterol  is formed in the liver but 20% usually comes from the food we intake.

Causes of High Blood Cholesterol:

High Blood cholesterol is mostly a hereditary problem.
It also abused due to unnecessary consumption of junk food and extreme consumption of milk, Ghee, butter, ice-creams, cheese etc., and also by the non-vegetarian food like meat, fish, eggs etc.,
Smoking and drinking alcohol is also one of the cause of increase in cholesterol.
Strain and over anxiety in the daily life may also leads to high blood cholesterol.
Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol:

Taking atleast 10 glasses of water every day stimulates the excretory activity of kidneys and it keeps the high blood cholesterol away.
Onion juice helps or taking raw onions helps you to reduce cholesterol level. It cleans the blood, helps digestive system and regulates the heart function and helps in lowering cholesterol.
Eating garlic every day helps you in lowering high blood cholesterol.
Boil 10 pieces of cinnamon in 5 cups of water and add a table spoon of honey and drink the solution when it is hot. This is very effective remedy for cholesterol.
Taking rich fibre diet is essential for high blood cholesterol patients.
Take one glass of water and add two table spoons of coriander seeds and boil it. Let it be cool for some time and then strain it. Drink the mixture thrice a day. It helps you lower the high blood cholesterol.


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