How to Get Rid of Whiteheads – Most Practical & Efficient

So many of you wanted the best ways and methods on the issue of getting rid of whiteheads and here they are. Since we’re here.. do we really know what whiteheads are? Well, not only that I’ll tell you that, but I’ll also provide you with the right information that will help you get rid of a whitehead on any part of your body. Let’s get to it, shall we?

What exactly are whiteheads?

Whiteheads are some kind of form of acne. They are clogged pores, just like in the case of blackheads and pimples. Basically, your skin is so moist in that specific area and the sebum is so excessive that the trapped oil swells and turns into a white pustule, also called whitehead. It is common for people who have oily skin to have whiteheads. They usually start off by being blackheads and they end up being yellow or white, and also swallow a little bit. The swallow can show how deep the whitehead is. Either way, who likes having those things? They are unaesthetic and having too many of them really spoils your looks. So why not get rid of them, especially by using the right methods from the start.

What is the right way of getting rid of whiteheads on nose and chin? And most of all, why do we have so many problems with these two areas? Chin and nose are usually the most moist or oiled parts so it is understandable why we get those two questions most often. Although you might think it’s complicated, taking care of whiteheads is not hard, believe me, and you might even succeed in 24 hours!

Try to avoid creating new whiteheads or blackheads!

First of all, make sure you prevent whiteheads or at least try to. In order to do that, you should always try not to touch your face without washing your hands first. Touching your face with dirty hands in general is wrong, but keep in mind: DO NOT touch your acne, blackheads, whiteheads and pimples if you have not washed your hands first!!!

Second, Try keeping your face clean. Even if your skin is very moist or extremely dry, you should wash it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening (at least ). It is advised that you also use a cleanser in order to keep your face clean and minimize the chances of oil and dirt building up your pores.

Third, make sure you stop using harsh products on your skin, otherwise you might block pores and damage your skin. The moist areas might become over moist and vice versa. You should take good care of your skin.

I know it becomes annoying after a while, hearing this all the time. But you have to become aware of the fact that every single thing you do to your skin has an effect, a reaction, be it either good or bad. No matter if you can see it or not, you could be the one damaging your skin slowly without even knowing, because you might be using the wrong products or because you are not taking enough care of your skin.

When it comes to removing your make-up..

Now, here is a little tip in regard with taking care of your face: no matter how much or little make-up you put on, you should always remove it. Although you may not even know it, makeup clogs your pores and contributes to the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and acne. You can use whatever you feel more comfortable with: cleansing oil, milk or any other kind of make-up remover.

What do you do in order to get rid of whiteheads? And what is the right method in doing that? You have here the best solutions, proven to be right by contributors and doctors. Try them and see for yourself.

NOTE: Each and every method presented below has been proven right by dermatologists, not only for whiteheads, but also for blackheads, any kind of pimple and even acne.


This trick can help you with blackheads, acne, whiteheads, bruises, marks and so on. It works great on so many things! Hydrating. Drink lots and lots of water. For example, you can try drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day and this way, you will be able to flush out toxins and detoxify your system and skin.

Lemon? Yes, lemon.

There is also something that you can always try on any kind of spot or pimple/ blackhead/ whitehead/ acne and that is lemon. Yup, you are reading it right. Gently rub lemon on your face or any other body part. Raw lemon juice works as antibacterial agent. Its mild acid can remove anything.

Take care of your hair!

Keeping your hair clean is also extremely important. Why? Because the natural oil from your hair runs down on your face, which is often the main cause of pimples and whiteheads, especially around your hair line.

Bed sheets

Also, changing your bed sheets frequently might as well be a solution. Having a bacteria free pillow can help a whole lot; otherwise, your skin condition will aggravate and more and more pimples or heads will appear.

Benzoyl Peroxide Cream: magnificent!

This is probably the most amazing solution in order to make whiteheads disappear overnight. Many people say that Benzoyl Peroxide Cream of 5% is one of the best when it comes to this particular matter. It has proved itself to be an extremely effective acne treatment.

Retinol cream and its vitamin A

Did you know that vitamin A plays a very important role in getting rid of whiteheads naturally and fast? I guess not.  Now, instead of looking for all kinds of foods that contain vitamin A, you might as well get yourself a retinoid cream if you do not have one at home already. But if you do, make sure you use it. Not many know that retinoid creams are not only helpful with discolorations, wrinkles and fine lines but they are also remarkable when it comes to any kind of skin problems, especially whiteheads.

‘’Is it just me or is it hot in here?’’

If you are still not pleased, I have prepared the easiest and most practical way of dealing with whiteheads, that will answer your question ‘’how do I get rid of whiteheads?’’. By simply applying heat on your ‘’damaged’’ area, you will be able to feel that your skin has its pores open, the whitehead will easily disappear and now, your face is ready for you to apply mild facial cleanser or simply wash your face with cold water in order to close the pores again.
By the way, if this comes in handy to you, please do use it. It is extremely helpful, really efficient and you will see how simple it is. I call it facial steaming. Steaming is absolutely the best way of getting rid of whiteheads and blackheads and even acne. Why? Because it unblocks the clogged skin pores and opens the pores you can get rid of anything. Plus, it does not damage your skin at all, on the contrary. You can even do a facial steaming once a day.

Honey, sweetie..

Honey, honey.. a way of making your tea or food sweet, but also, a genius method that will help you get rid of whiteheads quickly. Honey is mostly known for being helpful when you catch a cold or when you want to sweeten something but it also has great antibacterial properties. It is a pity that not many people know this but it is a fact. More than that, since it is so gentle on your skin, you will have no problem washing it off and it will have no damaging effect on your skin. You can dip cotton balls in honey and simply apply it on the whitehead, blackhead or acne. You can even use it on bruises or spots, on face, arms or legs. By the way, using raw honey or Maruka honey helps even more, since it contains much more active ingredients. Have fun!

Scrubs! All kinds of them!

Have you tried scrubs? There are so many kinds of scrubs for whiteheads and blackheads, you have a very large variety to choose from. You have the special scrub products you can find at any drug store but you also have those you can make at home. But there are also scrubs that you already have at home and you can use them.


One of the most efficient scrubs that you already have at home is toothpaste. Yup, the regular, the one you always use. All you have to do is simply pour some toothpaste, apply it on the area or the blackhead/ whitehead and gently massage it. You can leave the paste there for a while and then wash it off.  You can use it once a day, once every two or three days, it is your choice. But you should know that overusing it may cause your skin to dry.

Baking…. baking soda! Two methods of using it on your beauty.

This one is also a very good one. I am talking about baking soda, which is not only helpful in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. You can use it for whitening you teeth too, did you know? Mix some baking soda with water and brush your teeth with it, but do not do this every day, because it will make your teeth way too sensitive and it might cause your gum to bleed. Use this once a week or even more seldom.

But we were not talking about teeth, were we? So in order to get rid of your blackheads and whiteheads or acne, mix baking soda with water and gently apply it on the desired area. It will feel like a scrub, you do you not need to  insist that much on massaging it. Be gentle and do not use this method frequently because baking soda might cause your skin to dry.

Do not throw your coffee grounds? Two ways of using it!

Do you enjoy drinking coffee? How do you prepare it at home? And more important.. what do you do with your coffee grounds? If the answer is that you throw it away, you should consider using it on your skin. I am not joking or mocking you, ground coffee has the ability or getting out blackheads and helping whiteheads stop from appearing. It is also helpful when it comes to acne, since the root of the acne is basically the blackhead itself. What you have to do is take the coffee ground while it is damp but not soaking wet and simply apply it on your skin gently.

By the way, this method of using coffee grounds works not only as a scrub for your face, but also for any part of the body. Models use it in order to get rid of any kind of spots on their body and beware! Even to get rid of cellulite. Can you believe how helpful coffee ground can be?

“A daily skin-care regime is the key to getting rid of whiteheads and preventing them from happening in the first place” is what Dr. Colbert says. And maybe he is right, because you cannot make a change if you stay the same (obviously). The first step is finding out what we slip to see or notice. We should start being aware that if we want to get rid of something or make something better, we must make a change for the better.

Good luck on the road of changes and keep it mind that if you ever feel overwhelmed and feel that something is not right, no matter what you do, that might just be the sign that you should go visit a dermatologist. He might give you the right pieces of advice and even a medical check to see if the levels of oil on your skin are completely normal. Until then, though, try getting rid of your problems naturally!


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