Best Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Are you tired of living with uncomfortable infection in the urinary tract (UTI)? This may come as a surprise to you, but I have gathered home remedies for UTI that were proven to be the best by the internet AND confirmed by specialized doctors. So go ahead and choose the one that you think it fits you best or pick one that seems easier. And try it, we fully guarantee for each and every solution that we have presented below. This is the first step into realizing the difference. And obviously, you do not have to pay at all for reading this whole article.

In case you are not sure whether or not you are suffering from UTI, you should check out those symptoms. And do not panic if you believe you are. This is what this article is about, after all! All those solutions that I have gathered here are safe and 100% legit.

Firstly, the most known symptom is the burning feeling you have when you urinate. Then, a frequent or even intense urge to urinate, even when it is for a small amount. Also, you feel pain or pressure in your back or your lower abdomen (it is usually because of the contracted muscles, but mostly because of your kidneys, since you are struggling with this issue of infection). Cloudy, bloody, too dark and even odd-smelling urine are an important symptom, and feeling tired or shaky might also occur. Fever or chills are a very important sign, it could show either that you are actually sick as in having a cold, or that the infection has reached your kidneys.

Give up on pain, the annoying and never leaving discomfort it is time for you to embrace the fact that you can deal with urine normally, with no pain! This problematic matter is not homeopathic, but the remedies are numerous, so take a look.

You can now finally embrace the idea by trying out real solutions to your problems. Of course, this article, and each and every solution illustrated below can be used by both female and male persons. And yes, throughout the years, I have been asked this so many times, that I need to state it and confirm it every single time. This is generally available but I need to make sure that no one has this kind of concerns.

One thing that you need to know when it comes to remedies that can cure this problem is the fact that you do not actually need a prescription, a recipe from a doctor or a pharmaceutics staff in order to carry out while being at home. You can deal with this kind of issue while casually sitting at home and because those methods that I am going to present you are home remedies, you will not even have to pay in order to use them!

Water is always right!

Yes, I have said this before; that water is the solution for almost everything. It can cure so many things and you can use it in so many phases of treatment, for anything! It is really, amazing, and it is a pity that people do not use it as much as they should.

And as you can see, this list of remedies starts with water as well. And I am sure that any doctor usually tells you to drink a lot of water, but this matter is really important when dealing this such situations of urinary infections because drinking water can help you flush away all the bacteria that has been causing your infection. This is what the NIDDK states and many doctors confirm the fact. So do not think twice, because this might just be the first thing to do, since it brings you on the right track for your recovery. Keep this in mind and start drinking water!

Empty your bladder again and again!

No matter how annoying this might get, you should know that every time you empty your bladder, although it might just be a really small amount, you actually get rid of some of the bacteria that is causing your infection at the same time, although it surely is impossible to tell.

The runs you take to the bathroom are more than important and you should definitely know that each run matters. Do not second guess if you will actually share a big amount with the toilet, just go!

Be aware of irritants from your diet!

Not only that you should be aware of what you consume, but it is necessary to be informed of what is hurting your bladder and making your situation even worse. Any carbonate drink, alcohol, caffeine and even nicotine are a few, but the most important that can really worsen your problem. Not only that they are themselves unhealthy, but they make it harder and even impossible for you to recover, for your body to actually heal itself.

Have you tried any herbal remedy?

If not, then you should definitely consider doing that. It is not only easy and fast to use, but they are really cheap. You will surely find some relief from taking bearberry leaf. It is mostly used for treating lower urinary tract infections. You do not need a prescription, this is a very affordable and simple method that you can get by yourself, so do not worry about complications or too much time spent on getting this type of treatment.

Ever heard of Indian remedies?

People say that a few peoples know the best treatments and solutions for absolutely everything and anything. Some state that Indians are such persons. What I do know, though, is that it is said that one of the best natural remedies for UTI is the Indian gooseberry, also being called amla. To be more explicit, the powder made from it can really help you reduce the pain but also the infection itself of the urinary system! All you have to do is take one spoon of turmeric powder and relax. Breath in and out and take some time to enjoy your time.

Using a heating pad will take your pain away!

This method is actually a little trick. Do you remember being sick or having a stomach ache and feeling the urge to sit in bed? That is not only because when you lie down you feel more relaxed, cozy and safe. It is because relaxing in a warm place can reduce your pain. Yup, this is a fact.

So, indeed, if you suffer from this kind of infection and can relate to this method, try applying a heating pad on the hurting area. It usually is the pubic area, because inflammation and especially irritation from this kind of inflammation can cause burning, a big pressure and also a lot of discomfort. This will help soothe the pain since it might even make you a little sleepy. Take the time to spoil yourself while getting rid of pain!

Also, you should make sure that you keep the heat setting low and it is best if you do not apply it directly onto the skin. In order to avoid burns or other signs of discomfort, you should remember a limit of time of keeping the pad on the area. It usually works absolutely great if you apply it for about 15 minutes.

Maybe you could try changing your habits

How about life changes? In order to prevent issues like this from happening and also help treat the one you currently have, maybe you should change some habits, even create a new lifestyle. You do not even realize how much a few changes in your habits can bring you, it could even mean having a new and refreshing lifestyle!

Think about it.. if you only treat the problem but do not try to change something in order to prevent it from coming back and happening again, you might just have to face the consequences and we should make sure you will not have to do that!

A few things that you could do in order to try that are to quit smoking, which I am sure you have heard it before. On TV, at school, at home, in your whole family maybe, even relatives that you barely speak with, and why not, friends. There are so many direct and indirect ways that you can get this information, that you should quit smoking because it is not healthy, because it damages your lungs and your breathing, even your stomach and yada yada yada. So now you know that quitting smoking can help you reduce the damages of UTI.

Another thing would be earing loose cotton clothing and also cotton underwear. I am not sure if you know about this, but extremely tight clothes can not only damage your blood flow, which you surely have thought of, but they can also make you get various and different diseases, infections and irritations. One of those is UTI. The material that your clothes are made of is also extremely important! Remember, you never know which texture and material can damage your skin. It could cause you spots and irritations, but also bigger issues. Loose and cotton clothing, okay? Try to remember and try it at least once, it is definitely worth it!

This might sound a bit odd, but another way, actually, the best way of preventing urinary irritations, is wiping yourself from front to back and not the other way because you will be spreading the bacteria all over the pubic area. What bacteria, you ask? The one in your pee. Because we all have bacteria in our pee and poo. And that is basically the most common way of getting this kind of irritation or infection. It might just be the way you ended up with this problematic matter, right? We surely do not want this to happen again, so please do remember, because not many people about this and it is absolutely crucial!

The thought link between UTI and cranberry juice

We all know that cranberry juice is thought to help us eliminate bacteria from out body easier and also keep them from sticking to the bladder wall. It is said that cranberry is a home remedy or great cheap treatment and most of all, prevention against UTI, as well as reducing it. But, studies now show that cranberry might not have the actual benefits people used to claim is has. A review of whole 14 studies showed this fact in 2013 and you can also check it in the journal of AFP. Moreover, even more recent studies show that cranberry juice does no longer stand as a recommendation against UTI, as a means of fighting the inflammations, burnings, irritations or any other sign that shows you are suffering from UTI.

It is funny, isn’t it? How we believe something for so many years and people claim that the information we get is certified and legit, accurate and verified, when it actually might not be that way? We only get to know the truth, sometimes the ugly truth, a while after that, which is rather tragic, so pardon me for the sarcasm at the beginning.

Baking soda, I got baking soda! …. Please do refrain

If you mix baking soda with water you can use it for so many things! You can either use it for whitening things, such as ordinary objects of any type of texture and material and even teeth! Fun fact, huh? Well, now you are going to find out that if you mix baking soda with water and use it as a drink in order to fight a urinary tract infection, it could be extremely dangerous. It is a real risk if you drink too much of it. Did you know that about 5 percent of poisoning in California in the last few years that were related to baking soda were because of drinking this liquid for treating UTIs?

This is very sad and I guess we should remember this. And maybe we should find out more ways of using baking soda, since it really is useful in so many ways, but we should never risk our lives by taking baking soda in as a treatment we have to ingest. Be careful!

As a conclusion, I just want to let you know that you are not the only one struggling or that has ever dealt with this kind of situation. It should not be as embarrassing as it is and you should not spend a whole lot of money of medicine when you can use or try to many possibilities! There are so many home remedies, natural, very cheap and even not costing at all. So be confident and get rid of the matter.


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