
A boil is a kind of a skin infection that starts either in a hair follicle or in an oil gland. At the initial stage of the infection the skin turns red in the infected area and a tender inflammation develops. As pus collects under skin, the lump turns white in four to seven days.  Accumulation of pus and dead tissue makes the infected area painful. If several boils appear in a group, then it is a more serious type of infection called a carbuncle. A repetitive boil is called chronic furunculosis.

Symptoms of boil:

The size of boils varies from pea-sized to golf ball-sized.
When the boil is ready to discharge the pus, a white or yellow point appears at the center of the lump.
Individual may experience fever, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes in case of severe infection.
Causes of boil:

The main cause of boil is the presence of bacteria such as staphylococci on the skin. Settlement of bacteria occurs in the hair follicle which leads to inflammation.
The germ present in the normal skin enters into the body either through small breaks or by travelling down a hair to the follicle.
Certain health problems such as diabetes, defective immune system, poor nutrition or hygiene, and exposure to skin irritating chemicals also results in such infections.
Home Remedies for boil:

Most boils disappear with simple home treatment. There are many types of home remedies available for boils.

 Applying warm compresses and soaking the boil in warm salt water will decrease the pain and draw the pus towards the surface of the skin. Warm compresses can be made by soaking a wash cloth in warm water and squeezing out the excess water.
 This treatment should be carried out 2-3 times a day to ensure quick healing. With repetitive treatment, the boil will burst. This will usually happen within 10 days of its appearance.
After draining the boil, infected area should be washed with antibacterial soap until all the pus is gone. Then an antibiotic ointment or tea tree oil along with the bandage should be applied.
Popping the boil with the needle never helps in healing but makes the infection worse.
Prevention of boil:

Boils can be prevented from spreading by carefully washing clothes, bed linen and towels of the infected family member.
If any minor skin wounds appear, it should be promptly cleaned and treated.
All family members should practice good personal hygiene and stay as healthy as possible.


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