Home Remedies for Acne to Use Now

For some home acne remedies you may or may not have the ingredients to make the acne remedy. With these remedies, it’s almost guaranteed that you have the ingredients to make them. We recommend following acne prevention basics to get the most out of using any home remedy for acne.

Salt water face wash remedy for acne.

All you need to make a face wash that will kill acne causing bacteria is salt water in warm water. Add some organic apple cider vinegar to get an added acne fighting ingredient that not only kills acne causing bacteria but prevents it from forming by balancing the pH levels of your skin. Do not use regular vinegar or distilled apple cider vinegar otherwise this face wash will be too harsh for your skin. Only use a salt water and apple cider vinegar face wash twice a week if you have average skin or once a week if you have dry or sensitive skin. Use it less often in the winter. Using the remedy too often will dry out your skin. Dry skin causes breakouts from irritation and from your body creating more oil to compensate for the dryness.

Moisturizer scrub home remedy for acne.

Make a moisturizer scrub in a small container to store for later. Mix three table spoons of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), two table spoons of honey, and a half cup of sugar. Exfoliate with the moisturizer scrub to keep your skin moisturized and remove dead skin cells along with excess oils once a week if you have average skin or two to three times a week if you have dry or sensitive skin. Using this moisturize scrub daily will dry out your skin.

EVOO as a moisturizer for acne.

Dab some EVOO onto a cotton ball and gently rub it in circular motions on your face using it as a moisturizer to help with dry skin. You can also gently apply EVOO with your fingers. To avoid an overpowering glisten during the daytime and if you don’t like the smell only apply EVOO at night.

Honey as a standalone home acne remedy.

Make a face mask by rubbing in honey all over your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes then rinse with warm water. You can also use honey as a pimple spot treatment as well. Honey prevents acne and helps bring pimples that haven’t fully formed yet up to the surface. Honey works well on sensitive skin, and for the best results use organic honey.

Use baking soda to exfoliate for acne.

Exfoliate with baking soda and water to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. All you need is about a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water made into a paste on a plate or in a bowl. Apply the baking soda by gently rubbing in circular motions. Exfoliate with the baking soda for about a minute then rinse with warm water. Do not leave it on for too long otherwise it will start to burn. Use baking soda once a week if you have average skin or once every other week if you have dry or sensitive skin.

Make a salicylic acid mask with uncoated aspirin for acne.

Salicylic acid is an active ingredient in acne products and aspirin. Make an aspirin mask by mixing a few uncoated aspirin in water and applying it for about fifteen minutes then rinsing with warm water. It will unclog pores, remove dead skin cells, and treat pimples and black heads on the spot. Aspirin can also be used as an effective pimple spot treatment, and aspirin is also great for a weekly exfoliate with an electric toothbrush. Only use an aspirin mask once or twice a week otherwise your skin will grow tolerant to it. Use a moisturizer with SPF 30 or more after applying salicylic acid. When you use an acne remedy or acne product that contains salicylic acid it takes off the upper layer of your skin making it fifty percent more susceptible to the suns UV rays.

Steam your face to help get rid of acne and blackheads.

Boil some water on the stove or use hot water in your sink to do a five to ten minute face steam once a week to remove dirt and grime clogged in your pores. If you have access to a sauna, use it once a week. Sauna’s are a great way to prevent acne from reoccurring and are one of the best cleanses for your body you can do.
Other easy at home methods for a quick steam include taking a hot shower and putting a warm cloth or paper towel on your face for ten minutes or until it is no longer warm. Steam your face before applying acne remedies so that they will penetrate your skin more deeply. For an easy way to get an at home face steam us a facial sauna system.

Make a home remedy drink for acne with apple cider vinegar.

Drink a tablespoon mixed in a tall glass or bottle of water for an acne and acne scar fading remedy. You can add dash of salt to give it a little bit of flavor however, it’s best to use a natural ingredient like honey or lemon juice to help with the taste. Drinking organic apple cider vinegar helps to detox your body and balance the pH levels of your skin. Do not drink regular vinegar or distilled apple cider vinegar, make sure it is organic apple cider vinegar to get the cleansing effects. Wait at least an hour before brushing your teeth after drinking organic apple cider vinegar to protect your enamel. If you drink organic apple cider vinegar and water daily use a straw to protect your teeth from the acid.

Drink eight glasses of purified water a day to cleanse for acne.

Drinking the recommended amount of water helps to balance the pH levels of your skin and keeps acne bacteria from forming. An easy way to keep up with the eight glasses a day is start the day off by drinking two glasses of water to get hydrated from no water for eight hours while you slept. Drink a glass during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As you get thirsty between meals drink three glasses of water.

Keep your gums and teeth healthy for acne.

Another easy acne remedy is to simply to brush, floss, and scrape your tongue every morning and night to clean your mouth of the bacteria that forms over night and throughout the day. Keeping your teeth and gums clean helps prevent acne from forming on your lower cheeks.


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