Medical Gout Treatment & Natural Gout Treatment

Gout TreatmentIf you’ve recently been diagnosed with gout, it can be quite a shocker to absorb what this diagnosis means — much less what you’re going to do about it.

If you’ve known you have gout for awhile, you may be accustomed to dealing with it, but you’re always on the lookout for ways to minimize  or reduce any symptoms – since gout is chronic and painful.

In either case, it’s always important to know the most recent, proven options for treating your gout.

In this article we’ll give you an overview of traditional medical gout treatment, vs. natural gout treatment, so you can decide what options you prefer to use.

As noted in The Gout Remedy Report, sometimes it only takes one or two small changes – other times it may take a little more.  Regardless, everyone’s different, so you want to do what’s right for you.

Gout Treatment

Before we look at the top treatments for gout, let’s touch bases on the 4 phases of gout, which will help you when it comes to deciding on remedies:


 This is when you don’t have any symptoms but you have elevated levels of uric acid.
Acute gout: This is when you have your first gout attack, or where you begin feeling the symptoms of gout.

Interval gout:

 In this stage you may believe you’re cured, since your symptoms are not present. This stage can be dangerous, because you may return to your ‘pre gout’ lifestyle.

Chronic gout:

 This is the final stage, and it can be debilitating, due to the extensive damage it can cause to your joints, organs or both.
These 4 phases remind us that when you have gout, you want to catch it and control it as quickly as possible, to avoid any potential damage to your organs.

Medical Gout Treatment:

 Options and What You Should Know
Medical treatments are primarily aimed at pain relief, rather than getting to the root cause of it.

That said, they’re very important in helping you to recover from a gout attack and they can be helpful in preventing future gout attacks, too.


 These drugs are used to control severe gout attacks. They dramatically relieve much of the pain within hours of an attack – and can eliminate all symptoms of the attack within a week.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: (NSAIDs for short). These are often longer-term, as a way to keep inflammation in check.


 When neither NSAIDs or corticosteroids are able to alleviate the symptoms of an acute gout attack, this drug can be used.
Unfortunately, these medications produce side affects of their own. Plus, as I mentioned, they don’t correct the cause of your gout symptoms.

Therefore, most people use natural gout treatment – or home remedies, as part of their gout management strategy.

Natural Gout Treatment and Gout Home Remedies

Many of the natural gout treatments focus on lifestyle factors – since this is the major cause of gout in the first place.

Here are the top natural gout lifesetyle treatments:

Make a few changes to your diet: There are certain foods you may want to eliminate, and others you’ll want to reduce.
Reduce your alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption is one of top causes of gout.  While alcohol doesn’t cause excess uric acid production, it does interfere with the elimination of it from your body.
Reduce your weight: Certainly not all overweight people have gout, but most gout sufferers are overweight.
Sometimes it’s easier to use a gout home remedy, while deciding on any lifestyle changes you want to make.
You can use a popular baking soda recipe, which is many people find to help with gout attacks.
Cherry juice is a popular home remedy that’s proven to be effective.
Taking certain vitamins, minerals and other supplements.
Use hot and cold treatments: Use a hot and cold pack, which will increase circulation around your inflamed areas. This treatment can help you feel better right away, while you look at other longer-term options to help you.


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