4 of the Silliest Diet Rules that are Keeping You Fat

With all of the “guru” information floating around concerning the “do’s” and “don’ts” of dieting, it is easy to see how you can be consumed with information overload. In fact, many of the information as you know it may be hindering your weight loss progress.

In order to be successful in your weight loss efforts, it is important to be able to spot these misguided rules and avoid them at all costs.

Silly Rule #1: Don’t Eat At Night

Many self proclaimed dieticians have led followers to believe that eating at night is taboo. Contrary to popular belief, eating at night will not cause you to pack on more pounds. Truth be told, the amount of calories that you consume within a 24-hour period is what will hinder your ability to lose weight. Whether you eat a Big Mac at night or for breakfast, adding those calories to your diet are detrimental to your weight loss attempts regardless of the time at which they’re consumed.

Silly Rule #2: Dietary Fats Make You Less Hungry

Another misconception floating around is the fact that eating dietary fat is somehow more filling and beneficial to your weight loss goals that regular fatty food. The reality is, no matter what type of fat you eat, your appetite will not be any more suppressed than usual. Instead, what takes place when eating dietary fats is a slowing down of the digestion process. However, you may in many cases still feel the urge to eat more. To help fight off hunger, opt for foods such as proteins, carbohydrates and then fats.

Silly Rule #3: Wait Until the Next Day to Resume the Diet that You Broke

An unfortunate reality of trying to lose weight is the time when a relapse to fatty food occurs. In times like these your mind may lead you to believe that you because you’ve already sinned against your diet that you should finish out with your bad eating habits and start over the next day. Unfortunately, this can lead to a bad cycle of relapsing, so the next time you stray from your diet, recompense by getting back on track with your next meal.

Silly Rule #4: Skipping Meals Helps You Lose Weight

While the idea of skipping a meal to help you lose weight sounds great in theory, this can be very detrimental to your weight loss attempts. By skipping meals you cause your body to become so uncontrollably hungry that you will inevitably overeat during your next meal. Additionally, you begin to play tricks on your body by causing your metabolism to slowdown, thus causing you to burn less calories.


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