How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are terrors that come in small packages and affect our life in multiple ways. Once they enter our surroundings, it is impossible to live a normal life. They are excellent trouble makers and extremely difficult to get rid of.

About bed bugs

Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on blood of their host. They are active only during the night and normally go into hiding during the day. They can infest all sorts of animals as well as human homes. In a typical household, there are a dozen different hiding places for bed bugs like clothing, drapes, furniture, wires, pipes, other cracks and crevices etc. They are also known to infest places like vehicles, hotels, hospitals etc.

The bed bugs carry germs known to cause plague and hepatitis. Bed bug bites can lead to rashes, skin infection leading to permanent scars. Bed bugs also leave behind a strong repelling odor that can be embarrassing. In addition to that, some people are allergic to bed bug saliva that leads to health complications for them.


In most cases, if there is a bed bug infestation, it is always advisable to hire an expert’s services. However, the services provided for getting rid of bed bugs are extremely expensive. Hence, people have tried and tested for years and come up with a few effective home remedies for bed bug riddance.

Mint leaves can be spread in areas prone to bed bugs. They find the smell of mint repelling.
Bed bugs also get repelled by the smell of lavender. Hence we can place lavender sachets in our wardrobes and under our mattresses. A lavender spray can be used as room freshener and also a few drops of lavender oil can be used while swabbing the floor. This is an easy and effective home remedy for bed bugs eradication.
Other household items like black walnuts, cayenne pepper and canola oil are also said to be used to get rid of bed bugs.
Washing all linens in very hot water or steaming them also effectively gets rid of bed bugs as they cannot stand high temperature. This process also helps in killing the bed bug eggs and removing them.
Placing mattresses in direct sunlight is also said to be an effective home remedy for killing bed bugs.
Spraying alcohol can kill bed bugs that come in contact with the spray.
Encasing mattresses and pillows can be another home remedy for killing bed bugs. However, this can be a tedious process.
An insecticide made of diatomaceous earth has been proven to be the most effective home remedy for bed bug elimination.

For treating bed bug bites, one needs to wash the bitten area with an antiseptic soap and lukewarm water and dab calamine lotion to soothe the area.

Making your home bed bug free is a long, tedious and energy consuming process. In many cases, people opt to go in for professional services rather than try their hands with these home remedies for bed bug elimination.


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