Home Remedies for Acne Precautions

Being precautious is a home remedy for acne in itself. Be patient and don’t get into such a hurry to relieve yourself of your acne symptoms that you use a remedy that may cause you to breakout more or permanently damage your skin. There are steps that you should take before using any acne remedy, some remedies that need to be diluted before safe use, and some remedies that we recommend you avoid altogether.

Research and test home remedies for acne. Make sure to use a safe amount and concentration of each ingredient for your skin type. Get opinions from multiple sources and don’t just look at the reviews from people who have had success with the remedy. Be very nit picky and look into as many details about each remedy as you can. Ask friends and family members if they have tried a remedy that you are interested in trying. After researching if you are unsure as to whether or not a remedy is safe to use it’s probably best that you don’t try it at all. You can also make an appointment to speak with a doctor or skin professional to verify that the remedy is safe to use.

Even after finding out that a remedy is safe to use first, test a small amount on the back of your hand before applying it to your face. Next, if no irritation occurs then test a small amount on your face. If there is still no irritation then the remedy is most likely safe to use. Some remedies may not cause irritation in small doses, but when put on the skin in larger quantities the remedy may start to burn so be careful. Some acidic remedies many sting a little. However, any remedy that severely burns or irritates your skin should be avoided. If a remedy starts to burn your skin wash it off immediately with warm water. Use warm rag to help soothe your skin if the burn persists. If something burns your skin it is not a remedy for acne and can cause more breakouts from the irritation.

Protect your skin after using salicylic acid.

When you use an acne remedy or acne product that contains salicylic acid it takes off the upper layer of your skin making it fifty percent more susceptible to the suns UV rays. We recommended only applying salicylic acid night to keep your skin safe from the sun. Always apply a moisturizer that will not clog your pores and contains SPF 30 after using salicylic acid. This will not only help prevent damage from the sun, but also keep your skin hydrated because salicylic acid tends to dry out the skin especially in the winter. If you use salicylic acid in the morning avoid using it on days you will be spending a lot of time out in the sun. Taking off the upper layer of the skin also makes your skin very delicate so avoid using peels or exfoliates.

Dilute acne remedies for safety.

While researching a remedy it’s important to find out how concentrated of an amount of each ingredient or ingredients is safe to use on your skin type. Most acidic remedies such as lemon, strawberries, or orange peels need to be diluted with water before they are applied to prevent irritation especially for people with dry skin. Acidic remedies also tend to dry out the skin. Only apply acidic remedies twice a week if you have average or oily skin or once a week if you have dry or sensitive skin. Apply acidic remedies even less often in the winter to avoid dry skin.

Do not apply essential oils undiluted to your skin. Essential oils can cause severe and permanent damage even if when using one drop a day undiluted. Most essential oils need to be diluted, if you are unsure whether or not to dilute an essential oil, dilute it with carrier oil such as jojoba oil, almond oil, or extra virgin olive oil to be safe. Create a mixture of carrier oil and two percent essential oil for safe use. The best essential oils for acne are lavender and tea tree oil. To get the best results, dilute with carrier oil and apply gradually.

Acne remedies we recommend not to use.

Do not heat up essential oils. Heating up essential oils in boiling water, steaming water, or a facial sauna system heats up the oil will cause harmful compounds to form. You can safely use essential oils in the air by using a diffuser or a facial sauna system that has the option of not heating up the oil. The essential oils still need to be diluted to be safely used in the air.

Do not use peppermint oil topically in any amount.

 Using peppermint oil topically will burn your skin and eyes from the fumes, cause skin irritation, and likely make acne worse or even cause breakouts. Even when diluted do not apply peppermint oil or allow it to get into contact with your skin. There is not advantage to putting up with the burn that comes from having peppermint oil on your skin.

Do not use toothpaste topically.

 Toothpaste will likely have damaging effects to your skin, especially after prolonged use. Even if toothpaste works for you as a quick fix as a spot treatment, it should not be used more than a couple of times a week. Any more than that and it will cause your skin to be blotchy. This occurs from a high concentration of ingredients made to fight bacteria in the mouth. If you choose to use toothpaste as an acne remedy, only apply a thin layer and never apply it to your entire face.

Use over the counter ointments for acne scarring sparingly

. Over the counter ointments such as neosporin may contain acne fighting ingredients, but they are often coupled with ingredients that can clog pores too. The ingredients in over the counter ointments are highly concentrated and aren’t meant for periodical use on your face. If you use an ointment on your face too often it will make your skin appear faded in that area. After popping a pimple apply a thin layer of an over the counter ointment to help prevent scarring, but wait at least a week before reapplying in the same spot.


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