Home Remedies for Insomnia

People with insomnia either find it difficult to fall asleep or find it very hard to stay asleep. This results in daytime fatigue and an inability to function properly. While there are many medications available for treating this disorder, they usually offer only short term relief and taking them leave you feeling groggy and tired when you wake up. Home remedies for insomnia, on the other hand, help deal with this problem without causing any harmful side effects.
Are you suffering from insomnia? Get rid of insomnia symptoms with natural home remedies for insomnia. It will help you get back on the track of good sleep at night. Home remedies for insomnia include hot bath before going to bad walk after dinner.

How to Make Home Remedies for Insomnia

Institute life-style changes and regulate your life.
Follow a regular daily schedule.
Sleep at the same time every night and fix a bedtime ritual like reading or listening to music or praying.
Exercise every day, go for a walk or do yoga.
Do deep breathing exercises, meditate, chant.
Go for a brisk walk after dinner and follow it up with a warm/hot bath. You can add aromatic oils like chamomile or lavender to your bath water to help you relax.
Increase the melatonin content in your body by exposure to sunlight-this regulates your bodyclock.

Change to a low salt diet.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine ( tea,coffe, cola drinks), fatty or fried foods, products made with white flour.
Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin B (viz wholegrain cereals, pulses and nuts) and magnesium (legumes, seeds, dark leafy vegetables,wheat bran, almonds, cashews, blackatrap molasses, brewer’s yeast, whole grains). These build strong nerves, help the body to relax and fall asleep.
Include lettuce in your meals. You can also prepare a decoction by boiling a tablespoon of lettuce seeds in half a litre of water till it becomes a third of the original quantity. Take this decoction at night.

Eat a lot of onion through the day.

Have 2 teaspoons of fenugreek leaf juice with 1 teaspoon of honey at bedtime.
Prepare tea by boiling a teaspoon of aniseed in about 375 ml of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink hot before going to sleep. You may add honey and hot milk to the mixture.
Drink a glass of warm milk, taken plain or with a teaspoon of honey at bedtime.
Have 2 teaspoons of honey in a large glass of warm water at night.
Have 3 cups of curd / plain yoghurt daily.
Take green tea or chamomile tea at bedtime.
The soles of your feet with milk – before sleeping.
The soles of your feet with coconut oil, sesame oil or warm mustard oil depending on where you are pitta type or vata type or kapha type(as per Ayurveda) – last thing at night.
Massage curd on your head.
Massage your head at night with a mixture of equal parts of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil.


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