Nutritional Super Fruit Spotlight: The Wonderful Benefits of Apricots

Did you know that packed within one tiny apricot is the ability to fight cancer, cataracts, heart disease, and even prolonging your life? Apricots are loaded with iron, Vitamin C, beta carotene, several B vitamins, and even a dose of fiber. Regardless of you eating apricots dried or from concentrate, this mighty little fruit can do wonder for your health.

Preventing Heart Disease

By eating a handful of dried apricots as a snack or simply for its nutritional properties, you are delivering to your body high levels of potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, and beta carotene – important nutrients that have been proven to regulate your blood pressure and also prevent heart disease. If that wasn’t enough, studies have shown that a handful of dried apricots can also provide your body with as much as 3 grams of fiber to help lower your cholesterol, and in some cases wipe it out completely before your arteries become clogged.

Fighting Off Cataracts

Consumption of Vitamin A is important to cataract prevention. Believe it or not, what you eat can indeed affect your vision. Therefore, a well-balanced diet is crucial not only for your physical health, but for eye health as well. Interestingly enough, because apricots are a good source of beta carotene (which your body converts to Vitamin A), they could be the answer that you are searching for to help improve and maintain your overall eye health.

Warding Off Cancer

Dried apricots are an amazing source of lycopene, a carotenoid that has been scientifically proven to prevent several types of cancers including prostate cancer and breast cancer. While apricots don’t contain as much lycopene as their counterpart the tomato, by consuming at least 30 dried apricots throughout the course of day, you can receive the same amount of lycopene you would if you ate a tomato. Apricots are also a good source of beta carotene – another famous carotenoid. Beta carotene contains powerful antioxidants which help reduce your susceptibility to intestinal cancers. In order to reap the full benefits, medical experts suggest that you consume at least 5 milligrams of beta carotene daily, or the equivalent of six fresh apricots.


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