Tips for Getting Pregnant After 35

Getting Pregnant After 35It’s becoming more common for women to put off having a baby until after they’re 35 years old. Busy careers, extended educations, and delayed marriage are part of our cultural norm. The average age of women having babies has risen dramatically, and last year over 600,000 women over 35 gave birth. This figure represents 14% of all pregnancies, a number that is triple the rate of 15 years ago!

If you’re in this age group, you know there are some challenges with getting pregnant. Yet, with so many of these successful pregnancies, you know there are also ways to help you achieve your goal. In addition to the often expensive and risky procedures such as in-vitro fertilization, there are natural treatments that can help, too.

In this article we’ll discuss some top tips for getting pregnant naturally after 35 – but first, we’ll look at the top obstacles.

Challenges for Getting Pregnant When You’re Over 35:
Here’s a list of the most common challenges you may face, when trying to get pregnant. By becoming familiar with these challenges, you’ll be better prepared to seek solutions to them.

Fertility declines with age. At around 30 your chances of becoming pregnant in any given month are 20%. By the time you reach 40, that number drops to 5%. This happens for 2 main reasons. First, egg quality drops as we age; secondly, the number of eggs released lessens. After 30, some months you don’t release any eggs during ovulation.
Decrease in cervical fluid . This is another cause for infertility in women in their late thirties. After ejaculation, sperms swim through the cervix to reach the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg, using your cervical fluid to get there. The decrease of this fluid prevents the sperm from reaching the egg.
General, chronic health problems.  Conditions like diabetes and  hypertension are found more among women of this age than younger women. These conditions are known to get in the way of fertility.
Health issues of the reproductive system. Endometriosis and uterine fibroids are common health issues for women in their 30′s and 40′s.  While not fatal, these conditions can cause infertility.
Miscarriage. While technically not an obstacle to pregnancy, miscarriage rates increase with age.
That’s the downside to pregnancy after 35. Now here’s the good news! You may notice that a fair number of these pregnancy challenges are health-related.

Therefore, our tips for getting pregnant after 35 will focus on ways to strengthen your health. But these won’t be general tips – rather they’ll be super targeted toward optimizing your opportunity to get pregnant.

Tips for Getting Pregnant After 35:

Make an appointment to see your doctor.

 I recommend an OB-GYN who takes a naturopathic approach. This relationship will provide you with the best information that both Eastern and Western medicine have to offer. Your goal in this meeting is to share your medical history, with the idea of learning any tips that might increase your chances for success. Plus you’ll screen out some of the medical challenges associated with age, as noted above.

Relax and be patient. 

It takes the average couple in this age group over 1 year to conceive. Try and remain calm, since stress only increases levels of the fight-or-flight hormone, cortisol. This stress hormone wreaks havoc on your immune system and interferes with many bodily functions.

Start out at (or near) your ideal weight. 

This guideline holds true for younger women too, but is especially important for women in their 30′s and 40′s. Underweight and overweight interferes with normal hormone function.
Observe your fertility signs.

 There are a number of ways to tell if you’re in your fertility window (around the time of ovulation), however an ovulation kit can help you take the guesswork out of this process.

Take great care of your health! 

This is the most important tip of all. For starters, limit your alcohol and caffeine consumption – and stay away from any tobacco products. Of course, these are common-sense tips, but here’s one area many women overlook, and that’s diet. Your diet directly impacts the health of your blood, and our blood is the nutritional pipeline for the body. Therefore, you’ll want to focus on healthy, organic fruits and veggies, raw nuts and seeds, sprouted lentils and grains, and other live foods. You can round this diet out with grass-fed or free range lean proteins, live cultured yogurts, and healthy fats.  In short, you want to think of your body as a machine and think  of food as the fuel you’re giving it. What whole and unprocessed foods do for you is to create a pH balance in your blood that is more receptive to pregnancy.

A word about supplements: 

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of life, so be sure you talk to your doctor about what supplements are best for you. Folic Acid is one specific supplement you’ll want to learn more about, as well. Finally, some herbs have been known to increase your chances for conception.
These six tips for getting pregnant after 35 should help you get started – or may help you become pregnant without using any other techniques.

If you’d like more help, there’s also a comprehensive program, called The Pregnancy Miracle, which we recommend. In it, author Lisa Olson discusses pregnancy after age 30, and gives you more details. Lisa invested extensive time researching and documenting her findings, and it’s the top program on the internet due to its’ success in helping couples like you.


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