How to Get Rid of Mice


Mice can be unwanted guests in our houses, shops, godowns etc. These little furry creatures have sharp teeth and scurry around ruining one thing after another. Be it clothes, books, wires or something edible, they are capable of reducing all of it to shards.

About mice

Mice find unique ways of hiding away from human eyes and chances are that if there is one living in your house, you will have no idea of it unless you catch an accidental sight of it or look out for tell tale signs. Mice normally scurry around for food at night and hide themselves away during the day.

Having mice around the house makes the house unhygienic to live in. Mice carry parasites and other micro organisms that are known to be responsible for causing plague and a number of other diseases.


There are very many remedies to make your vicinity mice-free. Mice traps have been the most obvious of the methods used to eliminate mice. There are also a variety of other poisons available in the market that can be used to get rid of mice. However, with the animal activists campaigning against the cruelty of animals, more and more people are deciding to opt for various safe and effective home remedies for mice riddance. Over the years, some of such home remedies have gained more popularity than the others. A few of these home remedies are as follows.

Peppermint is the most effective home remedy for getting rid of mice in the house. Mice cannot bear the smell of peppermint hence growing peppermint plants around the house, using a few drops of peppermint oil to mop the house and also soaking pieces of cloth in peppermint oil and leaving them at likely hiding places of mice helps effectively drive them away.
Having a cat or placing used cat litter trays in and around the house keeps mice away from the house.
Mint leaves and bay leaves are also known to keep mice away from the area where they are spread.
Naphthalene balls can also be used to keep mice away as they find the odor repelling.

Other than using these basic and effective home remedies to get rid of mice in the house, we can also make sure that they do not come back into the house by keeping the house clean and well ventilated. We should also take care and store all food in air tight containers and not leave any eatables open so that they attract the mice. All the possible entry points like cracks and crevices that can give them a passage into the house should be blocked and sealed. The house should be kept decluttered so that there is no place for them to hide.

By following these extremely simple home remedies, we can easily and safely get rid of mice without harming them or letting poisonous substances enter our house.


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